Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

or how to manage with still more efficiency your contests and winners…
With the addition of multi-stations capability in the software, the history of modifications on records, added unicity checking for winner record addition, a de-duplicate functionality and a prize fulfilment report.
- Added new history of changes feature on Schedule card, Winner card and User card. There is now a “History” button that holds all of the changes performed , by who.
- Added multi-stations capability in the software.
- Added unicity checking for winner record addition. If a winner exists in the winner table with the same parameters out of: name, first name, home phone or cell phone, zipcode or birthdate.
- Added a de-duplicate functionality in Utilities/Database tools. This is a semi-automated deduplication. The goal is to eliminate winners records duplicated from within the databases.
- Added a report of where a prize is scheduled with printing and unscheduling options.This is a Prize fulfilment report.